The Truth About Silent Symptoms and Life-Threatening Mistakes!

Asthma Alert

Wheezing isn't universal in asthma; silent symptoms like shortness of breath exist.

Asthma Alert

Silent chest indicates life-threatening asthma with restricted airflow.

Asthma Alert

Silent asthma may lead to shortness of breath and chest tightness.

Asthma Alert

Key asthma symptoms include coughing, chest tightness, and mucus production.

Asthma Alert

Recognizing severe asthma attack signs and when to contact a doctor.

Asthma Alert

Overusing blue reliever puffers can worsen asthma and lead to hospitalization.

Asthma Alert

Preventer inhalers with corticosteroids are more effective than relievers.

Asthma Alert

Combining budesonide and formoterol as-needed reduces severe attack risk.

Asthma Alert

Ensure asthma patients stay informed and safe in the upcoming winter season.

Asthma Alert