Croatia's Economic Milestone Embracing the Euro for Enhanced Integration

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Croatia, on January 1, 2023, replaced its national currency, the kuna, with the euro, marking a pivotal moment in its economic ties with the European Union 

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The decision to adopt the euro was grounded in the 2022 convergence reports of the European Commission and the European Central Bank 

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On July 12, 2022, the Council of the European Union formally approved Croatia's accession to the euro area, establishing a kuna-to-euro conversion rate of 7.53450.

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The conversion rate was the central rate during Croatia's participation in ERM II, providing stability during the transition 

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Croatia, with around 4 million people, contributes approximately 0.5% to euro area GDP, with a composition mirroring the euro area in industry and services.

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The euro area is Croatia's primary trading and financial partner, with significant influence from banks owned by institutions in other euro area countries 

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Benefits The adoption of the euro is expected to enhance Croatia's economic stability and further integrate its economy with the European Union.

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