"ISRO's Solar Spectrometer Makes Groundbreaking Discovery Unveiling Solar Flares in High-Energy X-ray Splendour!

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Aditya-L1's HEL1OS  X-ray spectrometer captures the first-ever high-energy  X-ray images of solar flares

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Launched on  October 27, 2023, HEL1OS is fine-tuning  thresholds & calibrating operations for optimal solar observation

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Recording the impulsive phase of solar flares since  October 29, 2023, marking  a significant achievement in solar research

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Graphical representation of  X-ray activity on  October 29, 2023,  showcasing the solar flare's impulsive phase with unique characteristics

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Solar flares release  10^27 - 10^32 ergs  of energy in minutes,  affecting various electromagnetic wavelengths

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The hard X-ray spectrometer operates in the 10 – 150 keV energy band, providing insights into early solar activity

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HEL1OS overcomes challenges by having detectors tuned for different energy ranges, offering high spectral  & time resolution

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Two detector types, Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) and Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT), ensure comprehensive coverage of the solar flare's energy spectrum

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HEL1OS is developed by the Space Astronomy Group at U. R. Rao Satellite Centre, ISRO, in collaboration with various entities

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ISRO's innovative HEL1OS spectrometer opens new frontiers in solar research, promising advancements in space technology

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