Massive Pliosaur Skull Discovery Shakes the Jurassic Coast!

Fossil enthusiasts Steve Etches and Phil Jacobs unearth a  2-meter pliosaur skull on the UK's Jurassic Coast in Dorset in  April 2023.


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David Attenborough narrates the captivating discovery, providing a unique glimpse into the ancient  marine world in a BBC film


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The pliosaur skull stands as one of the most complete specimens ever found, offering valuable insights into the creature's  anatomy and behaviour


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Dating back approximately  150 million years, the pliosaur was a formidable sea predator known for its massive jaw and dagger-like teeth


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With the ability to kill prey with a single bite, the pliosaur's fearsome reputation in the ancient seas comes to life


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Explore captivating images capturing the moment of discovery, showcasing the sheer scale and detail of the remarkable pliosaur skull


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The UK's Jurassic Coast continues to reveal secrets of Earth's past, with this find adding another chapter to the ongoing paleontological story


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