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Game-Changer Alert Ohio State Lands Top NCAA Star!

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Ohio State's Coup  Caleb Downs, top-rated NCAA player, joins Ohio State's football team.

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Alabama Standout Downs led Crimson Tide with 107 tackles, 2 interceptions, and notable honors

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Transfer Decision Following coach Nick Saban's retirement, Downs chooses Ohio State over Georgia

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Recruitment Tactics Ohio State coaches' persuasive in-home visit seals the deal with Downs

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Defensive Powerhouse Downs enhances the safety unit alongside returning starters Ransom and Styles

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Retained Talent Ohio State keeps key defensive players eligible for the NFL draft

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Strategic Additions Buckeyes secure talents like quarterback Will Howard and running back Quinshon Judkins

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Defensive Dominance With only 11.2 points per game allowed in 2023, Ohio State eyes a promising season