Paul Ryan denounces Trump as an "authoritarian narcissist," highlighting a deepening divide within the Republican party

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Ryan claims more Congressional Republicans regret not opposing Trump earlier, citing potential GOP losses in the upcoming 2024 elections

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Expressing fear of GOP losses, Ryan forewarns that Trump's nomination may cost the party congressional seats in the 2024 elections

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Ryan applauds Cheney and Kinzinger for calling out Trump's authoritarian tendencies, even at the expense of their political careers

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Ryan emphasizes Trump's populist, culture warrior approach, diverging from traditional conservative values, and warns of its consequences

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Many Congressional Republicans, according to Ryan, regret not taking a stand during the second impeachment, thinking Trump was politically finished  post-January 6th

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 Ryan's role on Fox Corporation's board adds another layer to the tension, causing irritation among Trump and his allies

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 Reflecting on Trump's leadership, Ryan contends that history will be kind to those who stood against him, prioritizing principles over political expediency

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 Trump's spokesperson dismisses Ryan as a "loser" who left Congress in disgrace, adding fuel to the ongoing feud

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