Tragedy Strikes  Japan-13 Lives Lost, 100 Buildings in Flames, and a Second Earthquake Warning in Ishikawa

Tragic Earthquake A powerful  7.2-magnitude earthquake hits Ishikawa, Japan, claiming 13 lives and leaving 100 buildings in flames

PM's Deep Concern Prime Minister Fumiya Kishida expresses worry, noting a high death toll and extensive fires 

Rescue Efforts Over 1,000 security personnel work urgently to rescue those trapped in the rubble

Power Challenges Ishikawa faces 32,500 households without power, impacting 19 hospitals and hindering medical treatment 

Second Quake Warning  Another earthquake warning, with a magnitude of 7.6, adds to the crisis, accompanied by 50 aftershocks 

Royal Event Cancelled Japan's King Naruhito cancels the New Year's event in Tokyo in solidarity with the earthquake victims

International Aid The Indian Embassy establishes an emergency control room with contact numbers  for those seeking help 

Medical Difficulties Broken roads hamper medical assistance; Japan's Air Force helicopters transport doctors to affected regions 

Tsunami Threat A tsunami warning, later lifted, follows the quake, cautioning coastal residents against an immediate return home

Emergency Contacts Indian Embassy  emergency numbers +81-80-3930-1715, +81-70-1492-0049, +81-80-3214-4734, +81-80-6229-5382, +81-80-3214-4722