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VP Harris Shatters Centuries-Old Record with  33rd  Senate Tiebreaker Vote!

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VP Kamala Harris achieves a historic feat, surpassing a 200-year-old record with her 33rd  Senate tiebreaker vote

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The previous record held by John C. Calhoun with 31 tiebreaking votes from 1825 to 1832 is now eclipsed  by Harris

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Senate Majority Leader Schumer hails Harris' accomplishment as a "great milestone" and presents her with a symbolic  golden gavel

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Harris casts her 32nd  and 33rd tiebreaking votes on the confirmation  of a federal judge in Washington,  D.C.

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The constitutional duty of breaking Senate deadlocks positions Harris as a pivotal figure in the closely  divided Senate

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Despite a reduced pace this year, Harris played a key role in advancing crucial legislation, including the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act

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Harris's focus on judicial nominees, like Loren AliKhan, contributes to diversifying the bench and making the judiciary more representative

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Schumer credits Harris for confirming more women and people of color, reshaping the judiciary to mirror the diversity of America

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Harris expresses honor and joy, beaming as she makes history and contributes to the functioning of the Senate